Internet for All Program by the Prysmian Group


Energy and telecom cable giant, Prysmian Group, hosted White House officials at its Jackson, Tennessee facility to discuss their latest fiber investment and mark the commencement of fiber-optic cable production in Madison County.

The $30 million cable plant conversion is part of the Biden-Harris Administration's Internet for All initiative, which requires the use of Made-in-America materials for federally funded infrastructure projects. Prysmian's investment will transform its Jackson facility into a state-of-the-art fiber-optic cable manufacturing plant, contributing to bridging the digital divide and creating new job opportunities.

The White House visit followed Prysmian's invitation to participate in the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program, a $42.45 billion grant initiative to expand high-speed internet infrastructure nationwide.

Prysmian manufactures its U.S.-made fiber optic cables not only in Jackson, Tennessee, but also in Claremont, North Carolina, and Lexington, South Carolina. The company has made substantial investments across its North American operations to support the growing demand for fiber infrastructure.

Deputy Assistant Secretary McClain-Delaney praised Prysmian for its workforce training efforts and for bridging the gender gap in the telecom industry. Senior Advisor Landrieu emphasized the importance of high-speed internet access and how it aligns with President Biden's Investing in America agenda.

Andrea Pirondini, CEO of Prysmian Group North America, expressed pride in their contribution to the initiative and commitment to providing reliable and affordable high-speed internet access for all Americans.

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